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what's Been



Here are some of the things the Trust achieved in 2022:


  1. The Trust supports those at University wishing to travel back to Sidmouth to play cricket at weekends for the Club. Those that benefitted enjoyed returning to play for the Club, while not feeling under financial pressure to so.

  2. Separate contributions were made to junior Club members for their respective involvement in the Devon U15 Development tour to South Africa this winter and a school cricket tour to the Middle East.

  3. The Club overseas professional in 2022 provided many hours of 1 to 1 coaching delivery, funded by the Trust, to the U25 Club members. Other Club coaches also provided their time to deliver 1 to 1 and group coaching.

  4. The Club's tour to Jersey returned in 2023 after a 3 year break. The Trust covered a large portion of the cost of the trip for all those Club members U25. Another memorable trip was enjoyed by all!!

  5. Members that helped on Junior training evenings and junior match days throughout the summer were reimbursed their annual membership subscription. This is a nice incentive for Club members to put some time back in to the Club they play for and help develop our junior cricketers for the future.

  6. The gift aid received from a kind donation enabled the Trust to donate funds to the Club to purchase a much needed new bowling machine.

  7. For junior training evenings each age group coach picked their trainee of the session. Each winning trainee received a £5 voucher, funded by the Trust, to use as they wished with the Club caterer.

  8. Midweek cricket, and cricket in general, continues to struggle as participation numbers keep falling. In order to help alleviate this at the Club, the Trust has covered the cost of midweek match fees for all those Club members aged under 25. This has enabled the Club to continue to fulfil its current midweek fixtures while allowing young members to play as much cricket as they wish without the cost burdens of having to play cricket.


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The Sidmouth Cricket Player Development Charitable Trust

@2017 The SCPDCT

The Sidmouth Cricket Player Development Charitable Trust is a not-for-profit organisation recognised as charitable by HMRC for tax purposes

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